+34 952 815 331

Cellumed Clinic


We have the best results in the so-called chronic diseases: cardiovascular, viral, osseous and muscle diseases, autoimmune diseases, Inflammatory problems, pain, fibromyalgia, Lyme (borrelia), multiple sclerosis, obesity, osteoarthritis, hepatic issues, digestive problems, asthma, neurological diseases like Alzheimer, autism… Degenerative diseases like cancer, and other chronic diseases usually known as incurable. A great tool to find the origin of a disease and recommend personalized treatments without the hassle of any side effects. Our aim is to offer solutions for any organic disorders, as well as support, with tools like advanced medicine and the use of regenerative devices for different ailments or diseases and 5th generation technology.


We aim for a detailed examination of the body cells to develop a specific and personalized treatment for each of our patients. In our clinic we do not only treat symptoms arising from an illness by understanding the causes, but we also seek the recuperation of one´s global health in its broadest sense. Our goal is to bring back a state of health, youth, vitality and wellbeing.

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Lyme Disease

This is the bite of an insect infected by the bacterium: Borrelia burgdorferi (B burgdorferi).

Lyme usually causes symptoms similar to rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and others, is a disease frequently confused with others, and is not always well diagnosed. We have tools for accurate diagnosis and we treat the patient with combined techniques, such as our whole body hyperthermia, that causes a curative artificial body fever, in combination with specific treatment of intravenous fluids, and detoxification and regenerative therapies.

Borrelia is a genus of spirochaetes and are thermosensitive. That opens up a new effective therapeutic option for chronic Lyme disease.Extreme whole-body hyperthermia, is directly combined with specific intravenous medicament .
thos combination of treatment during years showed us a very good clinical outcome of mayority of patients, measured by a big reduction of disease and symptoms .
Our clinic has been receiving several emails and phone calls from thankful patients from many countries, whose often were long lasting suffering, has ended or has significangtly improved.

 At our Center, we treat these bacteria as well as fungal and other microorganism-caused infections, using highly effective biological protocols and therapies to reduce side effects of the medication…Patient begins to feel better in significant short time.


Fibromyalgia, and  chronic fatigue

Chronic pain and fatigue, are common symptoms of both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The difference is that, in fibromyalgia, the pain is more significant, and in chronic fatigue: weakness and tiredness.It also happens with patients with osteoarthritis, bone and muscle problems, even neurological…The future for these patients is bleak, painkillers, anti-inflammatories and finally antidepressants to live with the pain. certain microorganisms, toxicity, heavy metals, are some of the causes of acute pain or extreme fatigue. When we observe risk factors in cells, these can be treated with non-invasive therapies to return the body to its natural state.


Depression is a complex illness and can occur for a variety of reasons. Some people have depression during a serious medical illness. Others may have depression because it changed their lives, or because of the death of a loved one, but many of them do not find the causes…With the cell study we find numerous parameters in the cells, which can cause sadness, tiredness, apathy and poor emotional state… These symptoms are confused with depression, and many times they are mistakenly treated with anxiolytics, instead of looking for other parameters . There are causes
that modify the biochemistry of the organism, these can even be hidden micro organisms in the cells, which originate a depressive emotional state.

*With a microscope with more than 60,000 magnifications, numerous parameters are known that can cause imbalances at an organic and emotional level. These causes are treated individually with different therapies in the clinic, in this way many patients manage to end their depression and recover their lives.*


Available therapies

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